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DevSecOps Developer

Average Salary
Job Forecast
Currently Employed in Scotland

What is a DevSecOps Developer

DevSecOps is a style of software development that allows large teams to develop secure software at a much faster pace than usual.

In a DevSecOps role you could involve yourself in every aspect of that development, using your creativity to plan new features and ideas.

Use your technical skills to rapidly bring those ideas to life and your security knowledge to turn those ideas into digital products.

Top 3 job tasks:

  • Coding new software features for web, mobile and desktop applications
  • Communicating with DevSecOps team members to receive rapid feedback on code and speed up development
  • Designing automated security controls and tests to identify potential issues and bugs

Getting in and Qualifications


There are a variety of routes to develop the key skills requires for this role. 

HNC/HND qualifications are often beneficial to becoming a DevSecOps Developer.

DevSecOps Developers may also have degrees or even go on to pursue postgraduate studies in the following subject areas:

  • Systems Administration
  • Software Development
  • Computer and Electronic Systems
  • Computer Science



You may also choose to do an apprenticeship in Software Development, or Telecommunications.

A Graduate Apprenticeship in Software Development allows you to gain work experience while also working towards a degree.