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Social Media Manager

Average Salary
Job Forecast
Currently Employed in Scotland

What is a Social Media Manager

Becoming a Social Media Manager involves monitoring and running platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

You can help to manage social media partnerships between different brands and create engaging content.

Top 3 job tasks:

  • Monitor and curate social media platforms such as Instagram.
  • Engage with customers through creative content.
  • Be up to date with the latest social media trends.

Getting in and Qualifications


There are a number of ways to start you off on the path to becoming a Social Media Manager.

Social Media Managers usually have some level of creative knowledge.

Many Social Media Managers will have studied Marketing at HNC/HND or degree level.

Practical experience of working in a marketing environment is also beneficial. An apprenticeship in Creative and Digital Media can provide you with this experience, as well as a range of skills.



Entry requirements for courses can change. Always contact the college, university or training provider to check you have the right information.