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Quality Assurance Officer

Average Salary
Job Forecast
Currently Employed in Scotland
quality assurance

What is a Quality Assurance Officer

Your work will allow businesses to produce high-quality results consistently.

By ensuring key areas such as customer service, product quality and health and safety are of the highest standard possible, you can create happier customers and greater business success.

Top 3 job tasks:

  • Helping businesses to operate effectively by creating processes that staff members can follow.
  • Meeting customer needs by improving service and quality standards.
  • Communicating with staff members to develop and improve processes.

Getting in and Qualifications

quality assurance

Entry-level roles require qualifications at SCQF level 4/5, while more advanced roles require a Higher National Diploma or degree.

Alternatively you can choose to undertake an apprenticeship in Business Management. This means you would gain work experience whilst also working towards a qualification.


quality assurance

Many people start in an entry-level role and take relevant work-based qualifications such as a Chartered Quality Institute Certificate in Quality Management.

Entry requirements for courses can change. Always contact the college, university or training provider to check exactly what you will need.